updated 27th Jan 2025.
For full class-listings please scroll down to see what's on.

Our Live-Stream classes are Monday 10am (GMT)
You can access these FREE CLASSES from home (no Facebook account needed), donations welcome.
Please go here: Ruyi Facebook to join in live or catch up on this week's classes!
ZOOM classes available, please get in touch through this form or via Facebook.

For enquiries, please call us direct on +44 (0)1224 600 042

Also check out our Youtube channel here: Ruyi School Youtube Channel (opens new tab)


What classes are on?
Aberdeenshire & Aberdeen City

  • CLASSES (updated 17th September 2024)
    Monday & Thursday ZOOM classes available, get in touch via the form at the bottom of this page or via our Facebook page

    • 19:00-20:00 Tai Chi with Peter Walker
      Ferryhill Community Centre
      Taijiquan (Tai Chi) suitable for all. Drop in class.
    • 10:00-11:00 (BST) Qigong with Tina
      Aberdeen, Maggie's Centre
      Qigong and mindfulness

      For Maggies visitors.
    • 12:30-13:45 (BST) Qigong with Tina
      Stonehaven, The Haven
      Daoyin Qigong

      For Everyone. Booking essential.
    • 18:00-19:00 (BST) Wudang Tai Chi with TinaZoom Class (Join from home) Get in touch to join.

      For everyone!
    • 19:05-20:05 (BST) Wudang Bagua with TinaZoom Class (Join from home) Get in touch to join.

      For everyone!
    • 10:30-11:45 (BST) Tai Chi with Tina
      Stonehaven, The Haven
      Tai Chi

      For Everyone. Booking essential.
    • 13:00-14:00 (BST) Qigong with Tina
      Aberdeen, Maggie's Centre
      Qigong and mindfulness

      For Maggies visitors.

  • Go here if you haven't: Ruyi School YouTube Channel (opens new tab)

    Tai Chi in the Park
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    Stormy Sea Tai Chi - Surprise ending!
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    Tina Taichi Caledonia demonstration.
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Why practice Taijiquan & Qigong?

Hi, good to see you here! More often known in the West as Tai Chi (Taiji) and health excercises (Qigong), here at Ruyi we run classes for effective improvement of body coordination and mindfulness. Come try a class this week and find out why it's so good! Also check out this link: Time Magazine article about Taichi (opens new window).

Check out the classes and events on the calendar and don't hesitate to get in touch with your questions. Scroll down for more information.


Tina Faulkner Elders - Principal Instructor & Director.
Jump down to Full Biography...

Matthew Knight - Instructor.
Jump down to Full Biography...

Ursula Bass - Instructor.
Jump down to Full Biography...

Looking for some wisdom?

What's coming up?

Upcoming events will be updated on this page and should be visible near the top. Meanwhile, to stay super up-to-date (#downwiththekids) visit our Facebook page here: Take me to the Ruyi Facebook page (Opens new window).

Mind over matter

- Shi Ming

Recent events

Garden Tai Chi 2022 - Leith Hall Garden Saturday 14th May 14:00-15:30
Facebook event page

Thank you to everyone who participated at Duthie Park!

4th March 2021, New Qigong For Kids
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19th Oct 2020
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27th July 2019
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27th Aug 2018

Tai Chi Caledonia 2018 Montage

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21st July 2017

Were you at Tai Chi Caledonia 2017?

Check out their website Tai Chi Caledonia and Facebook page!

More Videos

Wudang 18 step demonstration (with nice sea ambiance!)
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Master Chen Lisheng. With sword.
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How good is your German? Don't worry it's spoken in English...
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Instructor Biographies

Tina Faulkner

Tina began training as a young child in Gong Fu and Chin Na with her father, Gordon Faulkner. During this time Gordon was also teaching the internal practices and meditations of Mantak Chia. Over the years Gordon would frequently host one of Mantak Chia's most senior students and illustrator, Juan Li. These early encounters sparked a lifelong curiosity for Tina and an eagerness to learn Taiji.

At twenty she moved to Beijing to study Daoyin Yangsheng Gong at the Beijing Sports University, graduating in 1996. At this time she entered international competitions, winning a number of medals. Whilst living in Beijing, Tina began studying with Master Shi Ming, a national treasure of China and author of Mind Over Matter.

On her return from China, Tina oped her own school in Aberdeen (Scotland) and taught regularly in America. She had the privilege of studying with and hosting Professor Li DeYin on a number of occasions and also acting as ambassador when Professor Li DeYin was invited to teach in New Hampshire, America.

Tina has continued to return to China, over the years, studying 'Health Qigong' known as Daoyin Yangsheng Gong at the Sports University of Beijing.

Around ten years ago Tina was introduced to Master Chen LiSheng, 15th Generation Disciple of Wudang Xuanwu. Tina's school has recently been awarded the first Teaching Cooperation to the Wudang Daoist Wuji Gongfu Academy, thereby creating a direct cultural link to Wudang Mountain. Now her continued self cultivation takes her to WuDang to study Taijiquan, Qigong and more recently Baguazhang with Master Chen.

Her school has been running private and public classes as well as teaching in the healthcare sector for nearly twenty years. Some of the organisations include the Confucius Institute of Aberdeen and the Maggie Centre for cancer care.

Matthew Knight

Matthew began studying Taijiquan and Qigong in 1998 with Tina Faulkner-Elders at the Ruyi School of Taijiquan & Qigong. More recently visiting Master Chen's school in Wudang on several occasions studying Tai Yi Wu Xing Quan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang. Also learning the Wudang Five Animals (Wu Xing) Qigong with Master Chen on his visits to Scotland.

Teaching Chinese and Daoist Internal Arts with the Ruyi School for over six years now and regularly conduct private and public classes with Alzheimer Scotland, The Confucius Institute, City Moves, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care, Golden Games, Aberdeen Foyer, and Health Outfit.

Currently teaching predominantly the principal Wudang forms 9-step and 18-step Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Wudang Five Animals. Periodically also teaching Stress Management Qigong (Daoyin) and 24-step simplified Taijiquan. Matthew developed the Taiji in the Park gathering which is a free event every summer and those classes (along with Qigong in the Park) continued for a longer stretch May to October 2020 during the Coronavirus situation.

Matthew is currently completing and working on a TEFL course with a view to teaching English to foreign language students in the very near future.

Check out this great article in our local P&J paper on Matthew's 5000+ mile trip! P&J Article: What I Did On My Holidays

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Ursula Bass

Ursula first started studying Taijiquan (Tai Chi) in 2000 with Angela Crawford and later with Jane Innes, both of whom were students of Gerda Geddes.

Her personal training continues with Jane Innes (Tai Chi Aberdeenshire) and Tina Faulkner (Ruyi School). Through them she has trained with Chinese Master Chen Lisheng here in Scotland and at Wudang Daoist Wuji Gong Fu Academy (link) in China during an extended visit in 2016.

When not teaching Taiji or Qigong, Ursula runs with Deeside Runners and competes under the club name when hill racing.

Most of all she enjoys running with her dog in the woods. The Taiji helps with strength and endurance, and the Qigong helps maintain flexibility. Overall they all complement each other.

Contact us

Phone us directly on +44 (0)1224 600042

Or use the form below or if you prefer you can also contact us through our Facebook site!

If you are having trouble with sending us an email because our script thinks you are a robot... (are you?) please email us directly using ruyischool followed by the @ symbol and then gmail.com

For Music enquiries please use the form above or if you have a facebook account you can visit nilselders.com and follow the Facebook link there. Thanks!

Thank you for stopping by!